Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy Outfit for 18-inch Dolls!
Discover fairy tale fun together with your 46cm dolls in the sparkling Our Generation Tooth Fairy outfit! Which of your doll besties have earned their wings? Dress them in the leotard and place the super cute lace cape over top. Then add the ruffle skirt, easily attach the wings, and grab the star wand to turn your bestie into a beautiful tooth fairy – it’s a perfect fit! Search for friends who lost their tooth and wave the wand to give them a special reward with the 3 golden coins. This set also includes a tooth case that keeps a child’s lost baby tooth safe until the tooth fairy visits, so both dolls and kids can enjoy wonderful fairy tale stories together! (Dolls sold separately)
- 1 cape
- 1 leotard
- 1 skirt
- 1 pair of shoes
- 1 tooth case
- 1 pair of wings, 3 coins and 1 wand. Doll sold separately.